Registration for Fall 2024 sports will open on August 1.
On this site you will be able to complete the Minnesota State High School league forms, find additional activity documents and pay school activity/sports fees. Take a moment to review your payment options indicated below on this page and then press the Catalog button to begin registration process.
We recommend that you use Firefox as your web browser during registration.
IMPORTANT! Before clicking the blue wallet icon to start creating your user account, please make sure that you have your student’s 8-digit Student ID and Birth Date information readily available. You will need them for linking your family. Please do not use your student’s lunch pin number. If you do not know your student’s ID number, you can find it in your ParentVUE account or contact your student’s enrolled school. If you have more than one student enrolled in the district, you will only need to enter the information for one of your students. Once you begin the account registration process, please do not leave the webpage until all the steps have been completed. If you must stop the process, please be sure to click on the EduTrakConnect (formerly SmartSchoolK12) link from either the district website or your ParentVUE account to resume the registration process.
We have already created a Student Account Profile for you. To get started, you'll need to create a parent account, which will be unique to you. Your login will be connected to your account, and nobody else will see the information. Then, click the green apple icon (above). Next, connect your student(s) to your account using their Student ID# and date of birth.
Once you have logged in and connected to your student accounts, click the red soccer ball to access the registration site. Click the "register" link next to your student's name to see a list of items he/she is eligible for. Select the desired item and follow the steps through the registration and checkout process.
To get started, we have created a "How To" document that will show you steps on registering your student(s) for a sport/activity:
Creating Parent User Account Login and Connecting to Student Accounts
Creating Parent User Account Login and Connecting to Student Accounts (Español)
Creating Parent User Account Login and Connecting to Student Accounts (Tieng Viet)
If you are having trouble creating your account, you can call 1.800.934.2621. For any other questions, please contact your school using the phone numbers listed on the "Contact Us" page.
Select your desired sport under your school name, complete all forms, and pay with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.
If you qualify for Free or Reduced lunch the system will automatically provide the correct price based on your current eligibility status.
2024-25 Sports Qualifying Physical Form
If you need a new physical, print this form and take it to your child's doctor for exam and signatures.